For the safety of the children, a background check needs to be completed for all adult volunteers each year. The instructions below will walk you through completing/updating your background check:
1. Start by logging into your account at our leagues registration page at:
2. Go to "My Account" and click on the Volunteer tab.

3. On the volunteer page under your name you will see a table showing your certifications... Click the box next to "Risk Status" and then click the button at the bottom to "Renew & Update"

4. In the popup window verify the information for the background check and click "submit".
5. You will receive an email from
[email protected] (AYSO) with a subject "Here’s the link to complete your AYSO Volunteer Background Check", Click the link and log into your account at Sterling Volunteers.
If you don't have an account you can register for a new account.
6. Follow the instructions on the screens to enter the required information and submit your background check.